"Hack Mining!" - Germany's original raw materials techathon for students

Hack Mining 2024 was a complete success!

Three days of hard work and many more days of preparation have paid off: The student team from RWTH Aachen University, Bochum University of Applied Sciences is the winner of Hack Mining!

Daniel Makschakow, Lucas Tan, Taci Emre Altintas and Maximilian Reisner worked on a multidisciplinary block model visualization tool provided by our challenger Castalytics GmbH.

With a Minecraft-inspired selective visualization of mining-related 3D data, the developed tool provides a crystal-clear holistic representation that facilitates interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration.
In a very close competition with all other participants, the jury was convinced that the team had solved the task of implementing the most innovative approach with efficient precision. The potential for marketability was also part of the jury's decision criteria.

Well done to the winners and to all the teams who took up the challenge, traveled to Essen and took part in the Techathon presented by the DMT GROUP and its partners RWTH Aachen University and VDMA as part of the MiningForum 2024.

We would also like to thank TÜV NORD GROUP Immobilien for providing the inspiring venue on the Essen campus.